Anime – Jujutsu Kaisen [TV]

Anime Apr 19, 2021


Starts out with yet another highschool boi brought into a newfound world. Unlike a lot of the typical traits, he already was abnormally strong and a latent talent that was not derived from the newfound power/world that he is brought into. Pretty much he has the mental awareness and fight sense that can only be gained from fight experience. This allows him to already skip the basic and boring training up phase that usually doesn’t make too much sense given the amount of time from start to finish. The awareness isn’t something that can be gained over a couple weeks, it was a nice touch to have included. Of course the abnormal strength is a mc trope but eh, it carried through and made sense given the verse and surroundings that he is with.

Basic premise is that there is a old dude that got shoop shooped down, split and divided up into his fingers. Each of the fingers has a part of this person’s self-inside of it. Out main MC Yuuji is the one in a million that is capable of intaking it and meld with consuming them without any outwardly shown adverse effects. It’s a bit of a race to collect and have Yuuji consume all of the fingers due to each of the fingers latent power they hold and how devastating they could be when used improperly.

There is a clear mission of needing to collect them all with obstacles along the way that cause blurps in how they obtain each one. Some want to use them for assisting in their plans. Only a few fingers were going over in this season. From the way that everything has been setting up, pretty sure once all fingers have been found and obtained it’ll be the opening act per se where there are a couple or a few arcs after before the story concludes. Seems to be pretty decently paced and to the point story with interesting characters. For the most part the depth of each character is not fully there yet but several have potential once more is given about each. Pleasant designs and nice initial impressions of them. Feels like everything was still more part of the prologue than anything which is a bit strange though.


Visuals are done by mappa and well as many should know, mappa doesn’t play much when it comes to animation. Its very solid from start to finish and didn’t suffer from the dororo syndrome of first half was :gasm_eo: and second half dropped suddenly. From start to finish its on point with no complaints.

Music was overall above average but without anything too special. Both openings are standout with the second one vivid vice by who-ya extended. Hits the right amount of hype to get the viewer prepped and ready for the ep. Few sound effects felt out of place, but that is noteworthy when it still is not too uncommon to hear the ear rape bass rapture effects plague things. Luckily that wasn’t really the case but its mappa we are talking about and they know just where to stroke the viewers pleasure spots :mrclean:

Final Thoughts:

Highly recommend people to check out Jujutsi Kaisen as it is an all around solid anime that may not be the best out there but is one of the better ones out there. Don’t have to be paying 100% attention to understand the story or gain full enjoyment from it which is also a plus. Would gear more towards newer viewers would gain more enjoyment from this show than those who have seen a fair amount, for newer viewers can see this being a good standout and intro esque anime that gateways too several others.

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 5/5

Music – 4/5

Story – 4/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 76%



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