Anime – JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken - Stardust Crusaders

Anime Nov 22, 2019


After another 50-year time skip from the end of original JoJo to now, we are given an even easier and simpler plot this time around with some new powers. Entire plot is going from Japan to Egypt. Along the way they have several fights. Fight to leave Japan, fight to stay alive on the plane, fight after the plane, in the car, the bathroom, roof, water, toilets at times, it's all over the place. If a fight can happen in a place it does, even in dreams, they dgaf lol.

Unlike the first season they essentially drop Hamon but the reason they drop it is more so that it has no effect on the Stands, which is their new powers. The main villain [spoiler, sort of, shown in first ep]  Dio is back with a bunch of goons he has probably forced or as some have said, payed to take out the Joestars. Due to his return, it brought about the awakening of these new powers for the Joestar family, more info is described throughout. How he returns is not confirmed, but most likely the coffin had a false bottom. He must have quickly hidden in it as the ship was sinking. When the OG Miss Joestar got saved they left the coffin she was in where it was then found 100 years later.


The visuals only improve off the first season getting more detail and distinctive. The feel of the show still matches very well to the animation styling that was done. CG blends in well, although clearly visible when used, suits the style as well.

Entire OST to sound effects are placed well. The heavy art style along with the rupture mic effects, I usually don’t like, worked quite well so no complaints. Opening and ending are comparable to the first season they had given us and have found their way into my ever-growing playlist. The ending still has an older vibe to it and I often ended up listening through it before realizing I should click the next ep.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, it’s good but has its ups and downs. Mirror world guy and questionably gay cowboy are when the show started to hit its low point and feel a bit stale. After a few eps it got better when they fought with Death 13.

Main complaint is the Stands, they have the potential to be more complex than Hamon was but was never given the chance. Stands started to get a bit repetitive with the `here is the enemy Stand, now he ded 10 min later`. Few enemies span longer than a single episode which I believe ended up harming the show. If they took more time to flesh out some Stands to give them more depth it would have helped add more variety to their episode template.

In the first season of Jojo, Hamon was introduced and slowly built up having more unique ways for how a person could use it. An example of how Stands are more primitive would be Jotaro using his for only brute force. One ep did show they could adjust the size of their Stand through mental visualization but other than that they were stagnate.

Joseph still has quite the crazy feeling to him making you laugh quite often with his actions. `OH NO!!!` He has let himself age due to not keeping up Hamon training, but I do like this decision. It means Joseph is not the only focus for another arc. For this generation his grandson, Jotaro, is a calm and collected badass making it hard to hate him. He is smart and thinks things through while analyzing the situation. Each of the main cast does get their time to shine.

Characters (main) – 4/5
Characters (sub) – 2/5
Enjoyment – 3.5/5
Visuals – 4/5
Music – 4.5/5
Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 70%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.