Anime – Inuyashiki

Anime Nov 22, 2019


At only 11 eps encompassing an entire story it is not a very long or in depth one. There are 2 main characters the show shifts focus to for some eps on one and the next few eps on the other. In the first episode the 2 people involved are killed and reincarnated by unexplained means into robots. It is explained what happened and that they did get reincarnated but not described or gave any answer as to who these things were. This was probably the biggest unsolved question I had even post series.

Both of the main characters are opposites in some cases and similar in others. One is clearly shown as a villain as the other good. Each of their actions to make themselves feel human again. About halfway through we are introduced to an asteroid that is later brought back up in the final arc. The rest of the episodes are showing how each of the main characters go about life with their reincarnated bodies with an inevitable clash at the end of the series.


The visuals are good enough, but it does use a lot of CGI models. Some might be very turned off by the fact they do but it is not a big deal to me. The animation of them compared to the style of animation of the show itself went well together and complimented itself so it didn’t look too out of place.

The music I found to be very good. Its opening was done by `MAN WITH A MISSION` and like most of their songs is highly enjoyable. The ending at first, I didn’t feel suited the anime but by the end it complimented it nicely where once the song started playing you’d just sit there staring at the screen as it played through. Unlike some companies ~~F/A~~ the explosions and other sound affects sound as they should, not mic rupturing effects.

Final Thoughts:

From an enjoyability standpoint this was highly enjoyable and fun to watch, as for a story perspective, its pretty simple but simple doesn’t mean bad. From a story perspective it’s a 3/5 but overall enjoyability 4/5.Read through some comments and saw people complaining about the meteor in that it seemed to take immediate precedent. It is true that it did and that the ending was very sudden, nothing being dragged out or prolonged hype for what was to come. This was both good and bad as it didn’t allow the expectations of what was to come get too high and you are immediately thrown into the final act so to speak knowing full well what to expect but at the same time going `Thank god I was wrong` only be immediately proven that you were right all along. The ending is very sad, and I was not expecting to get as attached to any of the characters as I had throughout only 11 eps. The emotional conveying, they did was top notch imo. The meteor was shown halfway through, clearly stating in better or worse terms the final boss lol. The episodes previous were just to swell up your emotions for the characters more.

Another thing not explained alongside their bodies is the smartphone/screens incident. There isn’t any explanation given and can’t think of any way it could happen which is sad the creator didn’t try to flesh that out a bit. Due to their bodies being unexplained it does however leave open any unexpected thing to happen without proper explanation. Its supposed to be an incomprehensible thing. It is also inferred they are completely the same people as before but not explicitly stated, as far as we are shown they are just near perfect copies of both mind and body from before their death. Some may call it a plot hole but it really is not one as the series itself is not one that states it is supposed to be bound by our current understanding of science but rather one that takes place on what appears to be very similar and near identical to our world, basically exactly what they became, very close to the same but not necessarily the same.

This will be a slight spoiler paragraph, want to talk a bit about his reasoning for why he killed so will have spoiler brackets. There was a lot of complaints I did see regarding hiro killing others. They explained in the beginning of the series how he views others lives that he did not come into contact with. His views were – If you saw a person on television or read about somebodies’ death you did not know you could not care for them as you would a person you are close to and know – Due to this ideology he does not care about killing others as he harbors no emotion towards them and sees them as nothing. The people around him he was close to do not view things the same way and point it out to him. With the people in his eyes turning their back on him he only furthers down into depression and resorts to killing more not to remedy himself but to eventually come to the point where he can make the ones he loves and cares for happy again. His logic is flawed where it’s the opposite he should be doing but he cant not do it because he is being hunted. He is stuck and doesn’t know what to do so continues what he has been doing. He was not mature mentally and the family he grew up with them being apart which was shown to have major effects on him mentally. Should he have gotten this body when he was older and had time to mentally mature into an adult I do not feel he would have acted the way he did. His mind was conflicted throughout the entire show and him losing his body only further pushed him into a downward depression state he couldn’t recover from. Making matters worse is that killing while also doing the above was the only thing that could remedy the feeling of not being human. Both situations only hurt him causing his actions to be what they were.

I would highly recommend this to nearly anybody. Only people I would recommend to are those who do not like to see death shown quite explicitly from both children and adults. I would say one of the worst scenes a person would not want to watch is where a child drowned, and they showed him squirming until his last breath. The scene accomplished what it set out to and I am glad they left in, it was there to set a precedence of what was to come.

Overall Rating: 4/5



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.