Anime – Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san [TV]

Anime Aug 2, 2021


Naoto was just trying to keep to himself going to his usual study spot. Nagatoro and her friends decided, this lil bit is next. Naoto is sitting there watching them in a peculiar manor just judging them internally. Nagatoro’s friends realize and then start making fun of him to say the least. After they are done with their mental abuse towards our boi, Nagatoro stays behind and continues to push him to his limit and makes him cry. The setup for him being pushed this far is to show that Nagatoro has some feels for him in a twisted way. She simply doesn’t know how to conventionally show it though, and well the precedent of her friends looming over have her acting in a certain way.

Nagatoro is depicted as more of a Gyaru, who are traditionally known to be darker skinned, longer hair, slutty ect. As quickly shown, that is not the case for her. A few times she is shown with other boys, but to the surprise of Naoto she acts entirely different, uninterested in them and can tell she doesn’t want to be there with them at all.

As the episodes go on there is a fair amount of craziness that Nagatoro does towards Naoto. She doesn’t push him to crying again as she was not wanting to do so given the feelings she has towards him. She just doesn’t want to admit completely even if it is easy to tell from the outside.

Show ends with a new character and challenge to face that wasn’t too expected but at the same time not shocking either. It ends in a wholesome manor which is nice which is the same that can be said for the rest of the show, its nice and enjoyable.


Visuals are pretty good but on par with a average anime of the era. It is a nice clean look with vibrant colors and clean lines throughout. No real complaints throughout. Expressions that Nagatoro makes is displayed quite well and matches with the animation style adding to the enjoyability.

Music throughout is pretty forgettable. Ending and opening are good though and sort of balance it out. Nothing special about them either but at the same time its pretty much on par with the rest of the shows quality, nothing special but just right in its balance.

Final Thoughts:

For those wanting to pass some time and not sure what to watch I would recommend to people. It’s a fun watch and enjoyable to go through. The first ep can be quite annoying and hard to get through due to how annoying it can seem but once through it the quality only goes up.

There has been some controversy about the authors previous work but honestly who gives a fuck lol, take the show for what it is and don’t go delving into it too deep or do, doesn’t really matter but his previous work while bad is over amplified by the current cancel culture :yuck:

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment – 3/5

Visuals – 3/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 60%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.