Anime – Himouto! Umaru-chan

Anime Nov 22, 2019


Very simple plot that revolves around a girl who has dual personality disorder. Throughout the show it is shown to be true. Especially when there is a vision of inside her mind with people sitting at a table and numbers tagged onto the chairs. She needs help and bad but the only one that can help is too passive since he has a guilty pleasure of being dominated and submissive to his younger sibling. It’s a strange fetish but I don’t knock em, you like what you like, all the more power to the poor bastard.

Throughout every one of the 12 eps, you’ll sit there either hating yourself or starting to realize you are deriving pleasure the same way the brother is. It’s an odd happening but somehow arousing. Just remember jail is just another room with tv, full dental, vision, housing and Lil John dubbed that since he is ashamed of his girth so will take it out on the other roommate… basically you won’t be able to sleep. If you want to be able to sleep while being forced to work and pay for everything that would otherwise be given to you, you’ll know what not to do when the opportunity presents itself :feelstacoman: .


Visuals are clean and vibrant. Nothing special about them, not too detailed but also doesn’t lack them. It hits a nice middle ground.

Music is enjoyable and pretty simplistic but due to the style of show it suits it just right. The opening I wasn’t a fan of at first but after listening to it a few times its better than I initially gave it credit for. Lyrics probably helped sway my first opinion lol.

Final Thoughts:

Overall it is enjoyable, and I would recommend it to certain people. The style of show and all the characters are not for everybody. I enjoy is due to knowing people like her personally where they lump around and don’t do much at home. When out and about or even as shown when alone outside of the house she is normal. She just acts up around her brother because he lets her… She is definitely an extreme version of the people I know, still fun nonetheless.

Characters (main) – 3/5
Characters (sub) – 3/5
Enjoyment – 3/5
Visuals – 3/5
Music – 3/5
Story – 1/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 53%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.