Anime – High School DxD Hero

Anime Nov 22, 2019


After DxD’s last seasons screwup with the ending drifting away from the source this season starts off with correcting and getting back on course with how it is supposed to be. After the first episode clears things up and fixes the mistake, it covers 2 arcs. The first being negotiations in Kyoto were they encounter some new characters they end up fighting with. Episode 7 starts the final arc of the season, the rating games. In the rating games it’s the same as the other season with a few tweaks in the rules here and there to make it different and not the exact same. Sadly, the games fell quite short of what they could have been. They should have been a season all on its own. The fights were over way too fast and even the final issei fight felt a bit lacking but did have its moments here and there where its good but just doesn’t reach that level of `this is great`.


The entire art direction changed this season with me at first thinking it was terrible when it was first previewed but after watching the first episode when I started the season changed my views on it. The art style is a completely updated and all-around better form for the show… sort of. The faces are the only thing id say should change and need quite a bit of work. A lot of times they have a very flat appearance on their faces or just look plane derpy at times. In all honesty the art style at times feels like a hentai. Usually one would think this is a bad thing but for the style of series it is, it actually works out well.

As for the music, its as good as the other seasons with the opening and ending being subjectively worse but that doesn’t mean they are bad or I consider them bad. They are decent enough. Sound effects and background music served well and was not out of place.

Final Thoughts:

DxD Hero I found to be a good series but with the shift of studios again, it hurts the series in some ways but also benefits it. There will probably be another season. Hopefully it is done by the same studio as this one appears to care about the source material more than the last one who did season 3. They could just use more time to figure out how to fix the characters faces. More episodes where it matters would also help quite a bit. Some parts just felt too rushed or were watered down due to no time allocated to expand upon it but that is because there wasn’t more time they had and can’t just cut halfway through an arc that’s 2 groups fighting. Id say they did good with the number of episodes they had. Definitely could have been better since the first 2 seasons were very good but the 3rd and 4thjust alright.

Something that I found was a nice touch is the seasons names and all 3 studios throughout the years keeping with it. The seasons spell out `New Born Hero` so far. Will be interesting to see what the next part will say and what it will eventually say once completed.

I would recommend t anybody that has seen the other seasons or is interested in ecchi with plot. It’s a good series and fun to watch with comedy scattered throughout. There is however a lot of nudity so for people that do not want or do not like seeing nudity, avoid it.

Overall Rating: 3/5



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.