Anime – Dr. Stone: Stone Wars [TV]

Anime Apr 15, 2021


As the first season was hyped its ending, Stone Wars was supposed to be something that everything was weighted against. Everything in the first season was done to achieve victory… while victory is something that could not have failed due to shounen genre… such a shame that it proceeded the way it did. Things were rushed and glossed over heavily where at one point they are building a tank within what seemed to be a couple hours. Supplies and resources were basically unlimited now. All that harsh struggle and progress of obtaining even something as simple as rocks had a scale put on It to match the world, they had awoken in during the first season. Then all the work and standards they set are crushed.

Entire season is pretty much the siege and fight to reclaim the cave as stated in first season. Objective had not changed. Tsukasa is a person that was driven by a reason that was expanded on but how they did it made it feel piss poor. Oh, I have something that I want the viewer to feel bad for me… even though I’m literally destroying and killing hundreds of people from being able to revive. Ah but that’s where shounen shines and cannot have any death as that would be too impactful. Cannot be having life lessons through a true loss and regret of one’s actions, let alone forcing realization of how one acts to them to force a shift in mindset. The *motivations* of the characters was shoehorned in and tried to be implemented in a way that is emotional when instead it comes off as a sad excuse to force backstory and character depth to people that otherwise have little reason to do what they are doing. Honestly is not worth expanding too much on all the characters examples and motivations for how poorly executed they are. There are only a couple good ones, namely Senku ofc lol.

*sigh* Anyways, it starts out with we gon fight, oh wait we can fight yet since weather, lets make things that realistically we should never be able to make in given amount of time… oh we did it anyways since plot demands it, bad guy bad but not bad when not bad since bad guy just good guy doing bad and real bad guy is not real bad guy but bad guy that is needed to replace og bad guy in a hope to make og bad guy feel more impactful with his views and shite motivations. Season over, bad guy not bad and bad bad guy now where he should be, oh and more characters here and there to help fluff time and have shallow personas for the most part. Also, im teenage cop that is willing to cuck self from leader since I love to be dom dom *bleh*. Well, if that made any sense or not it will not change how it’s a good summary of events lol.


Visuals are of course the strongest point of the show. With the character designs, settings to the backgrounds all very well done and in a unique fashion. Its very solid and in bd should only look even more refined and polished. May not be the most outstanding animation and quality but doesn’t have to, it holds its own and shines quite bright.

Music throughout is average, nothing special. OP is subjectively worse than the first seasons opening. Not to say it is bad but more of its lackluster. Still decent and above a lot of others. It could play and I would be alright listening through it, but a good majority of eps skipped it after initial listen as it did not quite hit that enjoyability factor the last one did.

Final Thoughts:

Is there really much to say at this point? Nah, I do not recommend it to people as the execution of the story was piss poor with unrealistic standards and presidents that were set in first season. They said we do not need what made the first part great and instead let’s go for more comedy wowie zowie lookie here I got tech for free dad… If watching with others it is a bit better but even then, the others, I was watching with dropped it as well, was only one that powered through. If they had set the standards they have in this season as the basis of season one then it would be alright, but they did not. Cannot be changing it like that without some heavy progression of civilization.

Easily the most asspull thing they did that ended up being more of a cherry on top was how petrification is now the panacea by the book and more. Does not matter the caliber of illness, missing limbs and such? Boom we got the be all end all solution… so stupid and such a wasted potential imo. Who knows things may change in the future with the coming seasons.

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 2/5

Enjoyment – 2/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 2/5 Raw: 56%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.